How to beat the time trap.
by Jim Lynn - minister, author and public speaker
If time is a commodity which cannot be bought, why are you selling yours? Trading time (labor) for money is a trap few people escape from, and is the reason why so few people can afford to retire.
There's a better way!
This report will show you how to leverage time to create both wealth and the freedom to live your life free of the time trap.
Buying back time.....
Time and money are our two most valuable commodities. But of the two, which is the most valuable?
Each of us has 168 hours every week to do with as we see fit. Only problem is, most of us are not free to spend those hours the way we would like. Instead, we have enslaved ourselves to the clock to earn a living. Have you ever asked yourself why that is?
While there is a limit to the number of hours in the week, there is no such limit on money. But we limit both our time and money when we depend on time to measure our worth.
How much money are you worth an hour? I know each of us fully believes we are truly worth much more than what we are actually paid. But consider this....If you are a salaried employee, receive an hourly rate for each hour worked, or simply get paid for services rendered, your time is worth exactly the amount you agreed to work for....and no more. Money earned in this manner is generally referred to as LINEAR INCOME.
Now there is nothing wrong with linear income. People can earn good money by it. Hourly wages can run from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars per hour. There is, however, one BIG drawback involved with linear income...Income is limited to the number of hours worked, and ONLY pays when we work. In other words, when we stop work, it stops!
Wo while linear income may be the manner in which most Americans earn their pay checks, it is also the main reason so many of us cannot afford to retire.
Some Sobering Statistics....
According to a survey released in December of 1996, retirement incomes of workers in every age group will fall far below their expectations. Workplace Pulse estimated workers who are 60 and plan to retire at 65 will need $353,324 in total savings, including Social Security, to receive an annual retirement income of $26,256. A worker who is not 30 will need $1,145,972 by age 65 to meet the same expectations.
The report said 30 year-old workers would need to save $2,423 each month to achieve the same retirement income of $26,256 in 1996 dollars. At the same time, a 60 year-old worker with $140,000 already saved would need to put away an additional $2,325 a month to retire at 65 on a $26,256 yearly income. But the survey found the average worker aged 45 to 64 is SAVING ONLY $2,529 A YEAR.
Now I don't know about you, but that information just makes me wonder how people expect to make it when they are forced to retire, and have to live on half the money they were making while they held their jobs. Saving money is wonderful, but who can afford to put that kind of money aside each month for retirement? No one I know earning their living from a time clock can put that knid of money aside.
To make up lost ground, hundreds of thousands of Americans are turning to something different. They have found a way to get paid for creating value, instead of their time. It's called TIME LEVERAGING. With time leveraging, there is no hourly limit placed on one's worth, and money continues to be earned irregardless of time spent...hence the name - time leveraging.
The difference between linear income and time leveraging is that with time leveraging, one's productive time is leveraged. That is, time spent creating value becomes increasingly worth more and more. So if time is worth money, leveraged time has no upper limit of its worth. How much worth?
Well, of the over one million millionaires in the United States, most of them became millionaires simply by leveraging their time. Many of them did it with something called referral-based marketing.
Referral Based Marketing
Referral Based Marketing more accurately describes a way of life than it does a business. That's because Referral Based Marketing is nothing more than doing what already comes naturally for's people sharing their lives with other people. It doesn't matter that they be close friends, only that they know and have respect for one another. People commune and assciate with one another, don't they, they do not sell. They share information and empower one another with the day-to-day stuff of life. So if Referral Based Markering should ever feel or sound like selling, it is probably not correctly understood or being practiced.
It's just human nature to share good news, especially when that news can be SO life-changing. The world's economy depends on people buying goods and services, certainly...but...There is a big difference between purposely selling someone and sharing your life with them. Whenever we experience something good, we share our discovery with family and friends, don't we? Sharing information with family and friends is what sets Referral Based Marketing apart from selling. It allows each person to freely make choices without feeling under pressure of any kind...something we do already everyday, don't we?
Business is done and commerce is served when people, who are referred to a company, actually purchase goods and services. Time is leveraged (our hourly worth) when those people referred, refer others, who refer others, etc. In other words, as the number of referred people increases (either by ourselves or by those we refer), so does our monthly income.
What makes this all the more exciting is watching the effect of referrals grow. That's the inherent power of time leveraging built into Referral Based Marketing. Success does not depend on personally referring large numbers of people, but rather in referring and teaching Referral Based Marketing principles to only a small number of easy task for most anyone.
You Are Only 6 People Removed From Knowing Everyone On Earth
That's an amazing thought, isn't it? Each of us have a circle of friends we associate with. Each person in our circle is also known in other circles of friendships. Think of many circles touching and overlapping one another. In this manner, we are only 6 people removed from knowing every person on earth. Now imagine if you had something of great value to offer, something everyone wanted, and you had the means to offer it...That is what Referral Based Markering does.
When I began my Referral Based Marketing business, my first monthly income check worked out to .07 cents an hour...Yuck! That was two years ago. Today, my Referral Based Marketing business generates $30 an hour...And based on growth projections, in another two years my time will grow to be worth over $100 an hour...All on the same number of hours doing the same things I do now. That's the potential that time leveraging offers, and why so many others started their own Referral Based Marketing home-based business.
Best of all, if I choose, I can walk away from my business and still expect to be fully paid each and every month. As it is, I work about 30 hours a week and never have to leave my home to do business. But gets even better. My monthly income will continue after my death, becoming an inheritance allowing my family to continue their lifestyle. No one will be forced into sudden poverty.
Enjoy Life Once Again?
If beating the time trap sounds like something you would be interested in and are ready for, the person who shared this article with you can show you how to do it. Your present job could well be the last one you will ever need to work for an hourly or salaried paycheck again.
Wouldn't it be great if you could somehow buy back time, to regain the freedom you once enjoyed as a kid, and not have to worry about time or money ever again?
Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people are doing exactly that? They have beaten the time trap. You can, too, once you know how.
Riches Within Your Grasp....
Not too long ago an elderly man made an unusual discovery as he leafed through an old family Bible. He had inherited it years ago from his Aunt through her will. The will read in part: To my beloved, Steven Marsh, I bequeath my family Bible and all it contains, along with the residue from my estate. When everything had been settled the nephew was left with a few hundred dollars.
Once the money was gone he lived the remainder of his life in poverty. Now old and frail, he was going through a trunk in the attic getting ready to move when he came across the old book. Upon opening it, he was amazed to find banknotes scattered all throughout the pages totaling over $20,000 in cash. Within his reach were riches he could have been enjoying all along.
This true story reminds me of how many of us live our lives. Like the old man who had riches within his grasp, we often let opportunity slip by whenever it comes our way. Do not allow this to happen to you.
Untiring Love
This is a true story that happened in Japan.
In order to renovate the house, someone in Japan tore open the wall. Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls. When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside was hammered into one of its feet. He saw this, felt pity, and at the same time he was curious. When he checked the nail, turns out, it was nailed 10 years ago when the house was first built.
What happened?
The lizard had survived in such a position for 10 years! In a dark wall partition for 10 years without moving, it is impossible and mind boggling. Then he wondered how this lizard survived for 10 years without moving a single step--since its foot was nailed!
So he stopped his work and observed the lizard, what it had been doing, and what and how it has been eating. Later, not knowing from where it came, appeared another lizard, with food in its mouth.
Ahh! He was stunned and at the same time, touched deeply. Another lizard had been feeding the stuck one for the past 10 years...
Such love, such a beautiful love! Such love happened with this tiny creature...
What can love do?
It can do wonders!
Love can do miracles!
Just think about it; one lizard had been feeding the other one untiringly for 10 long years, without giving up hope on its partner.
If a small creature like a lizard can love like this... just imagine how we can love if we try.